Thursday, July 12, 2007

Conan the Contrarian

I can tell you one thing for certain. If you dabble in the stock market, it is really difficult to be a contrarian. Warren Buffet may give you his advice but I am sure there were many a time when he could have fret over his decisions when the stocks he just picked up begin a free fall.

Whenever you see a market falling or when a counter starts to fall after a purchase has been made, all the worries come to your head. "Why didn't I practised caution? Couldn't I wait until the price has retreated substantially?" You feel really silly like a donkey. 2020 vision on hindsight, so they say.

The truth is you cannot time the market. Oftentimes when you swap counters, the one you sold start moving heavenwards a few minutes later. Similarly the one you bought into start free-falling. Murphy's Law and the end result is double jeopardy; that 's what it is. Imaginary sweat pours of of you. How you regret the buying decision.

To be a contrarian, you must have a stout heart. A falling market should be good news to you because you can swap counters and buy into counters you like at a discount. Just relax after you have bought in and go about your business as usual.

Believe me, being contrarian is just no fun. A lot of worries and apprehension. Is it worth it?


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